Litigation & Arbitration

MMTK Law is a leading litigation and arbitration firm with extensive experience representing both corporate and individual clients in various courts, arbitral and other tribunals in diverse areas of legal practice. These are:-

Civil litigation, including:

Commercial Litigation, including:

Public Law litigation, including:

 Arbitration and mediation


Most frequent questions and answers

The success of a case largely depends on the court findings of your facts and evidence as aligned with the laws of the land.

Cases are presented through documents filed in court and various steps done through submissions by the advocate. However, hearings/trials require the presence and testimony of the client and witnesses before the court, although lately these procedures are often done virtually.

The duration of a case depends on various factors including first, where the case is filed as some court stations are currently faced with the challenge of case backlog. Second, what type of matter it is whereby certain cases such as family matters move faster than others. In matters of urgency, a certificate of urgency is filed to enable the commencement of an action concurrently with the filing of the action.