Employee Clearance Form (After Termination of Employment) Checklist (Kenya)

This checklist provides a general guide for employers in Kenya on what to include in a Clearance Form after employment termination. It is recommended to consult with a competent legal professional to ensure compliance with Kenyan labour laws.

Employee Information:

* Employee Name

* ID Number

* Contact details

Financial Clearance:

* Confirmation of receipt of full and final payment (amount to be specified)

* Acknowledgement of no further claims against the employer


Undertaking to keep confidential all employer information, including:

    * Client list

    * Operational procedures

    * Business activities and affairs

    * Any information about clients


Agreement to not make defamatory or disparaging remarks about the employer, its:

    * Employees

    * Officials

    * Clients

    * Suppliers

    * Other associated third parties

Company Property:

Confirmation of returning all company property, including:

    * Documents

    * Files

    * Equipment

    * Materials (both hard copy and electronic)

Confirmation of destroying all copies and reproductions of company materials, including confidential information and intellectual property

Additional Considerations:

Company Badge: Include a section for the employee to surrender their company badge.

Unused Leave: Specify how unused leave will be compensated (if applicable).

Notice Period: Acknowledge completion of the required notice period (if applicable).

Exit Interview: Include a section for scheduling an optional exit interview.

Signatures: Include sections for the employee and authorized representative of the company to sign and date the form.


This checklist is not exhaustive and will need to be adapted based on the specific circumstances of the employment termination.

An experienced lawyer should help you draft the actual clearance form.

Remember: The above is not specific legal advice for you. Always consult a lawyer to determine the best option for your specific situation

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